Art. No. SC 1000 KNX
The gain factor and value offset can optionally be configured in the ETS. Before a value is
transmitted to the bus via the object "D.output channel x - 2-byte value transmitter" during
an operation, the device calculates the value to be transmitted based on the gain factor and
value offset. The same applies to the value display. The value received from the bus via
the object "D.Input channel x 2-byte value transmitter feedb." is influenced - in the opposite
way than during transmission - by the gain factor and value offset and only displayed
As a general rule: "Value
= Value
x Gain + Offset"
= (Value
- Offset) : Gain".
Example (Conversion °C
-> °F
Gain: "1.8" / Offset: "+32" ->
Transmitting: During an operation, the value "77°F" is preset by the user. -> The value "25°
C" is transmitted to the bus ((77 - 32 [Offset]) : 1.8 [Gain] = 25).
Receiving: The value "20°C" is received via the bus. -> The value "68°F" is displayed in the
display (20 x 1.8 [Gain] + 32 [Offset] = 68).
Gain factors can be smaller or greater than 1. Offsets can be negative and positive. In the
default configuration, the gain factor is "1" and the value offset "0" so that no value
conversion takes place.
With the 2-byte value transmitter, values within the defined value range
(-671088.64...670760.96) can be processed by the KNX DPT 9.0xx (floating-point
numbers). If a greater or smaller value than the value range limits should result in purely
mathematical terms due to the value conversion by gain and offset, the device adapts the
converted values to the maximum or minimum possible limiting value range.
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Software "Smart Control 501511"
Functional description