Section 8: Troubleshooting
Trouble [1] Service Required
Press [01] to determine specific trouble
[06] USB Wi-Fi Connected
HSM3WIFI USB to Wi-Fi Adapter is plugged into the panel
The trouble automatically clears once the HSM3WIFI adapter is unplugged from the panel.
This trouble serves as a warning as to not to forget to unplug the adapter when configuration
via Wi-Fi is completed.
[07] Power Unit Fail (System)
A fault with the internal power supply has been detected on
the panel.
Ensure the combined output power of the panel is not exceeding 2A. Power cycle the panel
and if the trouble persists it may indicate a permanent hardware failure.
[08] Power Unit Failure (HSM3204CX)
A fault with the internal power supply has been detected on
the corbus repeater.
Ensure the combined output power of the corbus repeater module is not exceeding 2A.
Power cycle the module and if the trouble persists it may indicate a permanent hardware
[09] Power Unit Failure (HSM3350)
A fault with the internal power supply has been detected on
the 3A power supply.
Ensure the combined output power of the 3A power supply module is not exceeding 3A.
Power cycle the module and if the trouble persists it may indicate a permanent hardware
[10] Overcurrent
The combined output power on the panel has exceeded 2A
for a period of more than 5 minutes.
Reduce the load on the panel by re-powering modules or detectors with a separate power
supply module.
Trouble [2] Module Battery Trouble
Press [02] to determine specific trouble
[01] Panel Low Battery
The panel detects that the battery is below the low
battery threshold (less than 11.5VDC).
This trouble condition will not clear until the
battery voltage is 12.5VDC min., under load. NOTE:
If battery is new allow 1 hour to charge.
Verify voltage measured across DC input terminals is 16-18 VAC. Replace
HSM65W power supply adapter if required.
Connect battery, remove AC power.
Verify measured voltage across Aux terminals is 12.5VDC min.
Replace battery if it is no longer able to hold a charge due to age.
[02] Panel No Battery
The panel detects that no battery is present or that
the battery is shorted.
Verify battery is connected.
Ensure battery leads are connected with the right polarity.
Connect battery, remove AC power.
Verify measured voltage across Aux terminals is 12.5VDC min
[04] 4 High Current output 1-4 Low Battery
HSM2204 battery less than 11.5VDC.
This trouble condition will not clear until the
battery voltage is 12.5VDC min. under load.
Charge battery. It may be low due to a long period
without AC.
Verify voltage measured across DC input terminals is 16-18 VDC. Replace
HSM65W power supply adapter if required.
Connect battery, remove AC power.
Verify measured voltage across Aux terminals is 12.5VDC min.
Replace battery if it is no longer able to hold a charge due to age.
[05] 4 High Current output 1-4 No Battery
Enter 05 to view which HSM2204 does not have a
battery connected.
Verify battery is connected.
Ensure battery leads are connected with the right polarity.
Connect battery, remove AC power.
Verify measured voltage across Aux terminals is 12.5VDC min
[07] Power Supply 1-4 Low Battery (HSM2300)
Enter 07 to view which HSM2300 has a battery
voltage less than 11.5V.
Verify voltage measured across DC input terminals is 16-18 VAC. Replace
HSM65W power supply adapter if required.
Connect battery, remove AC power.
Verify measured voltage across Aux terminals is 12.5VDC min.
Replace battery if it is no longer able to hold a charge due to age.
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