Appendix 3: Template programming tables
i. Program the required DLS access code. All 6 digits must be entered in order to complete your entry.
ii. This access code is entered into programming section [403].
5. Entry Delay 1 and Exit Delay
i. Enter the 3-digit entry delay 1 (in seconds) followed by the desired 3-digit exit delay (in seconds). These entries affect all
ii. All 3 digits must be entered in order to complete each section entry.
iii. These values are entered in programming sections [005][001]-[008] entry 1 and 3 respectively.
6. Installer's Code
i. Enter the 4, 6 or 8-digit installer access code (dependent on section [041]). All digits must be entered in order to complete the
section entry.
ii. This code is entered into programming section [006][001].
iii. After the installer code has been programmed the system returns to the base installer programming menu.
iv. All template programming information defaults after performing a hardware or software panel default. The 5-digit template
programming code is defaulted to 0000000.
Pressing the pound key (#) advances through template programming, accepting what is displayed in these locations,
potentially overwriting desired programming. Depending on the option programmed, restoring the defaults using template
programming may not be possible.
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