Maintenance Manual for J2 Sedan
Chapter I Overview
Section I General Instructi
This Manual provides the procedures required by service operations, including:
1. Structure and composition
2. Principles
3. Dismantlement and installation steps
4. Inspection methods
5. Adjustment & commissioning methods
6. Common trouble diagnosis procedures
7. Technical parameters
The simple operations that can be conducted through the observation of vehicle are left out in this
Manual. No description is given for the necessary basic skills of maintenance technicians in this Manual.
How to use
This Manual comprises four parts, i.e. engine volume, chassis volume, electrical appliance & structure
volume of vehicle body and electric circuit inspection volume. In front of each part is given a detailed
content index, in which you can find the section you want quickly.
This Manual provides following information:
1. Working principles;
2. Component position
3. Inspection and service specifications
4. Component dismantlement & installation steps
5. Common troubles and repair procedures
Such information are in compliance with current model at time published.