NDIS 2.01 for Artisoft LANtastic
1. If Artisoft** LANtastic** 6.0 is not already installed on your
computer, use the DOS MD command to create a subdirectory
called LANTASTI on the device where LANtastic is to be
2. Insert the LANtastic 6.0 installation diskette in drive A. At the
DOS prompt, enter a:\install.
3. Follow the instructions on the installation panels. Refer to the
LANtastic manual for help in answering prompts. In addition, you
will need the following information during installation:
The default name for the directory where LANtastic is to be
installed is LANTASTI.
Select LANtastic features.
ON the Select Network Adapter panel, select NDIS Support
for Network Adapters.
When prompted to insert the manufacturer’s diskette, insert
the DEVICE DRIVERS diskette.
Select OK to perform the installation.
Insert the LANtastic diskettes when prompted.
4. After the installation has completed, restart the computer to load
the NDIS driver and the protocol driver.
If NDIS 2.01 driver error messages are displayed or you have
problems using the adapter go to Appendix A, “Testing and
Troubleshooting” on page A-1.
Adapter diskette:
Device Drivers diskette
Directory: LANTASTI
EtherJet ISA Adapters Installation and User Guide
Title: ANW0CNTL CreationDate: 09/29/95 12:51:21
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