Each of the following choices can be selected from a drop-down list.
To open the list for any option, simply select the down arrow to the
right of the selection box beside the option.
The interrupt is the interrupt level of your adapter. If the interrupt
level is not valid, your input will be ignored. The range is 3—7,
9—12, 14, 15. The default is 10.
I/O Address
The I/O address is the hexadecimal I/O address of the adapter.
The range is X
. The default is 300.
Boot ROM Address
The Boot ROM address is the hexadecimal boot PROM address
of the adapter. The range is X
. The
address must be on a 16-KB boundary.
RAM Address
The RAM address is the hexadecimal Shared Memory Mode
address. The range is X
This value must
be on a 4-KB boundary.
Note: Your adapter will not function if conflicts exist in the target
operating environment.
Continue with “Software Installation” on page 5-9.
LANAIDC Command Line Program
LANAIDC is a command line installation tool that can be used to
perform automated adapter installation. LANAIDC must be run from
DOS or a full screen DOS session of Windows or OS/2.
LANAIDC is invoked automatically if you boot the LANAID diskette.
Note: This method is required for Windows NT. After the diskette
has been booted, simply enter parameters in the form:
/parm /parm /parm
Enter /H for a listing of the parameters and their use.
Chapter 5. Configuring the Adapter with LANAID
Title: ANW0CNTL CreationDate: 09/29/95 12:51:21
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