The following information describes the parameters and their
value ranges. You can accept their default values or change
On the lower left of the panel are three push buttons: Suggest,
Change, and Store. Beneath these are three more: Done,
Cancel, and Help.
To accept all default values, simply select Done.
To let the computer choose parameters for you, select
Suggest. The Suggest button will select a set of valid
parameters for you that do not conflict with your current
configuration. To accept these values, select Done.
To set the parameter values yourself, select Change. The
Change Configuration
notebook is presented. It has two
Plug and Play
Other Parameters
On the Plug and Play page, make any changes that you
choose and then select Store. Choose OK on the confirmation
pop-up and then select Done to complete the changes.
Next, select the
Other Parameters
page. Make any changes
that you choose, and then select Store, followed by OK.
Select Done to complete the process.
Adapter configured by Plug and Play
This is the default. In this case, the adapter is automatically
configured by your Plug and Play enabled computer. If you do
not want to change this option, click on OK. You have finished
the configuration process. Go to “Software Installation” on
page 5-9.
Note: If your computer or operating environment do not support
Plug and Play, you must select
Adapter configured Manually.
Adapter configured Manually
Select this radio button if you want to manually select the options
assigned to your IBM LAN adapter.
Lock current resources
This option determines whether the adapter will contain a fixed
EtherJet ISA Adapters Installation and User Guide
Title: ANW0CNTL CreationDate: 09/29/95 12:51:21
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