NDIS3 MAC Driver Installation for Windows NT
Refer to the
Microsoft Windows NT System Guide
for the general
procedure for installing network drivers for Windows NT. The main
points are summarized here:
Note: During installation, you are required to provide the serial
number of the adapter. If you do not know this number, you can use
the LANAIDC program to determine the number. Go to “Finding the
Adapter Serial Number” on page 5-7 and then return here.
Boot the LANAID diskette. The command line version of
LANAID (LANAIDC) starts automatically.
See “LANAIDC Command Line Program” on page 5-5. to learn
how to input the parameters for LANAIDC.
When you have finished, remove the LANAID diskette and
restart your computer to allow any changes to take effect.
The indicators that installation is complete and successful are
shown here:
The LEDs indicate normal operation
You are able to log on and communicate with the network.
If you get error messages or have problems go to Appendix A,
“Testing and Troubleshooting.”
Adapter diskette:
Device Drivers diskette
Directory: (root)
EtherJet ISA Adapters Installation and User Guide
Title: ANW0CNTL CreationDate: 09/29/95 12:51:21
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