1200 kVA
1600 kVA
Bypass overload
● 30°C: runs continuously at 135%
load; generates only alarms and
depends on overtemperature
protection at 135–150% load
● 40°C: runs continuously at 125%
load; generates only alarms and
depends on overtemperature
protection at 125–150% load
● At 40°C, if the load of the bypass
single-phase or three-phase is
150%–200%, the bypass will be
shut down in 5 minutes, and the
hardware depends on
overtemperature protection. If
the load of the bypass single-
phase or three-phase is greater
than 200%, the bypass will be
shut down in 1 minute, and the
hardware depends on
overtemperature protection.
● Load > 1000%: runs for 100 ms
● 30°C: runs continuously at
110% load; runs for 10 min and
then depends on
overtemperature protection at
110%–125% load
● 40°C: runs continuously at
100% load; generates only
alarms and depends on
overtemperature protection at
100–125% load
● 40°C: generates only alarms
and depends on
overtemperature protection at
125%–1000% load
● Load > 1000%: runs for 100 ms
11.8 System Electrical Specifications
Table 11-9 System electrical specifications
Parallel system reliability
Redundant parallel signals
ECO in a parallel system
Number of parallel UPSs
1200 kVA: A maximum of four UPSs can be connected in parallel.
(For details about a parallel system where three-phase three-wire
input and output cables are connected using a busway, contact
marketing engineers.)
1600 kVA: A maximum of two UPSs can be connected in parallel.
(For details about a parallel system where three-phase three-wire
input and output cables are connected using a busway, contact
marketing engineers.)
Power distribution system
The three-phase three-wire corner-grounded delta power system is not
UPS5000-H-(1200 kVA-1600 kVA)
User Manual (100 kVA Power Modules)
11 Technical Specifications
Issue 05 (2021-10-13)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.