Check Item
Expected Result
Tightness of battery
The secure connection
signs on battery terminal
screws are in proper
Take photos from multiple
angles and contact Huawei
technical support.
Cables between
No cable deteriorates and
the insulation layer does
not crack.
Replace the faulty cable.
Battery voltage
● Equalized charging
voltage: 2.35 V/cell
± 0.02 V/cell.
● Float charging voltage:
2.25 V/cell ± 0.02 V/
1. Check whether the
equalized charging
voltage and float
charging voltage of a
battery are normal.
2. If the charging voltage
of a battery exceeds the
requirement, perform a
complete forcible
equalized charging for
the battery, and check
again whether the
voltage is normal.
3. If the fault persists,
contact Huawei
technical support.
Shallow discharge test
Conduct a shallow
discharge test when the
UPS is backed up to verify
that the batteries can
discharge normally.
1. If the batteries cannot
discharge normally,
locate the fault (for
abnormal alarms, see
UPS5000 & SmartLi
Alarm Reference
2. If the fault persists,
contact Huawei
technical support.
9.2.4 Annual Maintenance
Table 9-6 Annual maintenance
Expected Result
Capacity Test
When the UPS is backed up,
discharge a battery to the
undervoltage alarm threshold,
to refresh the capacity of the
1. Locate the cause when an
exception is identified.
2. If the fault persists, contact
Huawei technical support.
UPS5000-H-(1200 kVA-1600 kVA)
User Manual (100 kVA Power Modules)
9 Routine Maintenance
Issue 05 (2021-10-13)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.