NetWave DirectView Broadcast Console Operations & Technical Manual
Revision A
4 – Linked NetWave Consoles
Harris Broadcast
Operating System Version Verification
To identify which version of operating code is running on the VistaMax system devices, open Community
Monitor (Figure 4-2), on the admin computer, and select View | Status. The Vers column in this window
lists the code version running on each device in the system.
Figure 4-2. Community Monitor Status Window, NetWave Console Connected to VMX_51
VistaMax devices running the last released version of 400-series code (build 445.10 or later) can be used
with the NetWave console. However, to take full advantage of the NetWave’s linked features, the code
should be upgraded to the 500-series code.
To view the Community Monitor version, click the About menu bar item. The last standalone build of
Community Monitor is Version 3.100. All newer versions are included as part of the Harris NetManager
application. To view the VMCC version, click Help, and then click About VMCC. Version 2.0, build 2092 or
later, is required to support NetWave consoles.
A customer document (71-2002_500-series_code_update.pdf) gives information on migrating from 400-
series to 500-series operating system code. It can be downloaded from Harris Broadcast Customer Portal
site or from the Harris Broadcast PR&E FTP site. (Section 5 – “Service” gives more information about
accessing these sites.) Contact Harris Broadcast studio products tech support for assistance before
performing an operating system code upgrade.
Linked NetWave Features
NetWave consoles, when linked to a VistaMax system, have these upgraded features:
Each NetWave channel is assigned a specific VistaMax destination on its parent device. This allows either
the A or B channel source on any channel to be set to use a VistaMax source (instead of using the local
analog and digital input) as the A or B input. Thus, any VistaMax signal (even one with logic) can be set
as the input on any channel on a linked NetWave console.
One local signal (the analog or the digital input) from each channel is a VistaMax source—regardless of
whether that local input is even used on the console. These signals can be routed to any VistaMax
system destination, if desired, independent of whether the signal is being used on the console.
The two Monitor inputs (Ext 1 and Ext 2) also have specific VistaMax destinations assigned to them so
that air monitors or other signals can be routed to the inputs. Either, or both, of these inputs can be set
to use a routed signal instead of their local input connection (Ext In 1 and Ext In 2).
The four program buses are VistaMax sources that can be routed to any VistaMax destination.
The cue bus, in stereo, is a VistaMax source that can be routed to any VistaMax destination.
The Telco Record output is a VistaMax source that can be routed to any VistaMax destination.
The two Telco mix-minus signals, in addition to having local outputs, are also VistaMax sources. A plus is
that the routed signals are dual-channel: one channel is a clean mix-minus feed, while the second is an
IFB signal (the same signal used on the local mix-minus outputs). With Link Plus Activation, up to six
channels can be set as Telco channels. Subsequently, with Link Plus, there are six dual channel mix-
minus signals available to the VistaMax system. (Only Telco 1 and Telco 2 have local mix-minus
To activate all these features, use the VistaMax Control Center (VMCC) setup software to set up the
NetWave console.