NetWave DirectView Broadcast Console Operations & Technical Manual
Revision A
2 - Installation
Harris Broadcast
To assign the Channel Logic I/O connector to either the A or B channel source, press the Logic Active
setup button while the channel source is active. (The channel number and the A or B Source LED are lit on
the DSP card.) When the Logic Active LED is lit, the logic connector is active with that source. When the
Logic Active LED is unlit, the logic is not used with that source.
Microphone Logic
Microphone logic has three main functions:
Mute the monitor speakers in the room with a “hot” mic
Command a room warning light
Activate mic logic functions like remote on/off, talkback, and momentary cough
The warning commands come from the control room or studio logic connectors, but the Function parameter
setting tells the monitor logic that the input is a mic and where that mic is located (control room or studio).
Mic Connections
Microphones must be preamplified to line level before being connected to a NetWave audio input. Typically,
mics are routed through a mic processor to preamplify, equalize and compress, or limit their audio levels. A
mic processor can connect to either an analog or a digital input, as either can be set as a mic input.
Mic Logic To/From a NetWave
There are two Harris Broadcast PR&E mic control panels that compliment the NetWave console’s look and
A three-button panel without talkback control (PRE99-1197, with On, Off and Cough buttons)
A four button panel with talkback (PRE99-1198, with On, Off, Cough and Talkback buttons).
Figure 2-35 shows a typical mic control panel wiring diagram. The panel’s three or four switches (On, Off,
Cough, and Talkback) connect to the four remote Logic inputs on pins 2, 3, 8, and 9. Pin 4 is jumpered to
pin 10 to enable the external inputs.
Figure 2-35. Cable from a NetWave Logic Connector to a Mic Control Panel
The switch LEDs connect to pins 5, 7, and 11 (pin 1 supplies ground). The On Tally output (pin 11) drives
the On switch LEDs and the Off Tally (pin 5) drives the Off switch LEDs. The Cough and Talkback LEDs
connect directly to +5 VDC.
To make a custom mic panel, use SPST (single pole, single throw) momentary contact switches with LED
indicators. Tie one side of each switch and lamp to Logic Common (pin 1). Tie the other side of the Cough
and Talkback lamps together to +5 V.