Sequestering on the Cell Saver 5+ System
P/N 53063-50, Manual Revision: B
Never close the yellow (PPP), Blue (PRP), and white (air) bag clamps at
the same time.
5. Continue to observe the centrifuge bowl. Allow plasma to run into the PPP
bag at the same flow rate. The white buffy coat band (made up of platelets
and white cells) which is immediately adjacent to the top of the red cell
level will be seen coming up over the shoulder of the bowl and starting to
express into the PPP bag. At this time, OPEN the BLUE collection bag clamp
and then CLOSE the YELLOW collection bag clamp to allow platelet-rich
plasma to enter the PRP bag. When the effluent line from the bowl turns
medium red (indicating the presence of red cells), allow the machine to
continue processing for approximately 30 ml and then press the EMPTY key
to stop both the centrifuge and pump.
6. When the centrifuge comes to a complete stop, the screen display will
prompt the operator to close the PRP collection bag clamp and open the
bag clamp that has the system air. Once this is completed the START key
must be pressed to empty the contents of the bowl.
If the “Return Plasma?” parameter in the Sequester Setup is set to “NO” the
following screen is displayed:
Processed Vol:
Reinfusion Vol:
Bowls Processed:
Press START to empty bowl
910 ml
236 ml
Pump Rate:
0 ml/min
Press MODIFY to change parameters
OPEN BLUE bag clamp
CLOSE YELLOW bag clamp