P/N 53063-50, Manual Revision: B
Use the following list when contacting the appropriate Haemonetics
representative for each region.
Haemonetics Asia Inc.
Taiwan Branch
26F-1, No. 102 Roosevelt Road Sec. 2
Taipei, Taiwan
Tel. [+886 2] 2369 0722
Fax [+886 2] 2364 3698
Berlagasse 45/B2-02
1210 Wien, Austria
Tel. [+43 1] 294 29 00
Fax [+43 1] 294 29 05
Haemonetics Belgium NV
Leuvensesteenweg 542-BP. 14
Planet II Complex
1930 Zaventem, Belgium
Tel. [+32 2] 720 7484
Fax [+32 2] 720 7155
Haemonetics BV
Tinstraat 107
NL - 4823 AA Breda
The Netherlands
Tel. 0031-765449477
Fax 0031-765449357
Haemonetics Medical Devices
(Shanghai) International
Trading Co. Ltd.
Room 28032, Shanghai HSBC Tower
101 Yin Cheng East Road
Shangai 200120, PRC
Tel. [+86 21] 5066 3366
Fax [+86 21] 6841 3688
Haemonetics CZ, spol. s r.o.
Ptašínského C.8
60200 Brno, Czech Republic
Tel. [+42 05] 4121 2400
Fax [+42 05] 4121 2399
Haemonetics France S.A.R.L.
46 bis, rue Pierre Curie
Z.I. Les Gatines
78370 Plaisir, France
Tel. [+33 1] 30 81 41 41
Fax [+33 1] 30 81 41 30
Haemonetics GmbH
Rohrauerstrasse 72
81477 München, Germany
Tel. [+49 89] 785 8070
Fax [+49 89] 780 9779
Haemonetics Hong Kong Ltd.
Suite 1314, Two Pacific Place
88 Queensway, Hong Kong
Tel. [+852] 2868 9218
Fax [+852] 2801 4380
Haemonetics Italia S.R.L.
Via Donizetti 30
20020 Lainate (MI), Italy
Tel. [+39 2] 9357 0113
Fax [+39 2] 9357 2132
Haemonetics Japan K.K.
Kyodo Building 3F
16, Ichiban-cho, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo, Japan, 102-0082
Tel. [+81 3] 3237 7260
Fax [+81 3] 3237 7330
Haemonetics Scandinavia AB
Beta Huset, Ideon
Scheelegatan 17
223 70 Lund, Sweden
Tel. [+46 46] 286 2320
Fax [+46 46] 286 2321
Haemonetics (UK) Ltd.
Beechwood House
Beechwood Estate
Elmete Lane, Roundhay
Leeds LS8 2LQ, United Kingdom
Tel. [+44 113] 273 7711
Fax [+44 113] 273 4055