CS875-575-375-275-175 Installers Manual with CS5500 keypad
Chapter 13: Setting up the CS7002
13.1 Overview
The CS7002 is the GPRS module that can be added to a CSX75 range of panel. The CS7002 GPRS module
features include
Wireless event reporting
Four programmable report destinations
Selectable reportable events from eight partitions
Provides backup for the panel and external diallers.
PSTN/ISDN can be used as backup
SIA reporting using TCP/IP over GPRS
Contact ID reporting using TCP/IP over GPRS
SIA reporting with optional area modifiers using SMS messages
Control panel can use GSM in addition to PSTN (reporting all panel protocols using GSM)
Wireless upload/download using a GSM CSD connection
Wireless upload/download using a GPRS CSD connection
Upload/download may be initiated remotely or locally
Optional automatic download sessions. These normally follow test calls. Test call reporting can be switched
off so that there is automatic download calls without test report calls.
Contact ID or SIA reporting formats over SMS.