2.8. Search on ELMO-PRO Remote
One of the main functions of ELMO-PRO Remote software is searching the video recordings stored on the ELMO-PRO
Server (remote site). ELMO-PRO Remote software must be connected to a remote site before a remote search can be
performed. ELMO-PRO Remote software also allows searching data previously saved on the local media without being
connected to any remote sites.
The remote search window on ELMO-PRO Remote is identical to the search window on the ELMO-PRO Server with the
following exceptions:
1. In ELMO-PRO Remote, the user may switch between multiple connected remote sites (right-click and select
The server must be active before a search can be performed.
2. The channels must be dragged into the Choosing the channels to search data by dragging from the Servers tree list
2.8.1. Search on the Connected Site
To search a remote site, do the following:
1. Connect to a desired remote site
button on Main Screen
3. Right-click an individual server and select
to make it an active server. Search only may be performed on
the connected, active servers.
4. Expand the Channels list of the connected active Server
5. Select one or more channels in the list.
To select multiple channels, press and hold
button on your keyboard, while selecting desired channels from the
To select all or a number of consecutive channels, click on the first desired channel, press and hold the
on your keyboard and click on the last desired channel.
6. Hold the mouse cursor over selected channels, press and hold left mouse button
ELMO-PRO v.1.403.16 - User Manual
Search on ELMO-PRO Remote
Chapter 2. ELMO-PRO Remote
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