This timeline represents a single day chosen in the Calendar. Timeline can be expanded to simplify a search. Right-click
the 24-hour time line. A context window will appear.
Zoom In
to expand the time line bar or
Zoom Out
to collapse the time line bar.
When expanded, the Timeline bar has both vertical and horizontal scroll bars. The vertical is used to browse through all
available Channel Activation Buttons, the horizontal scroll bar is added to browse through the expanded 24-hour timeline
Timeline (normal)
Timeline (zoom in) Channel Scroll Bar
Scroll up and down to see all available Channel Activation Buttons Timeline Marker
The red line inside the 24-hour Timeline is the Timeline marker that indicates the playback start time. In the example
above, the Timeline marker is set to 8:58. Video Recording Bars and Types of Recording
Multicolored bars represent different types of recording.
• the pink bar indicates Continuous Recording (Channel 1 is recording based on Continuous recording schedule)
• the orange bar indicates Sensor Recording (Channel 2 is recording based on Sensor recording schedule)
• the blue bar indicates Motion Recording (Channel 3 is recording based on Motion recording schedule)
• the green bar indicates Motion Recording (Channel 4 is recording based on Motion recording
ELMO-PRO v.1.403.16 - User Manual
Video Search and Playback in Search Mode
Chapter 1. ELMO-PRO Server
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