1.4.4. Video Playback from Advanced Data
The Advanced Data Manager allows the user to playback previously created backup files (Encrypted or AVI) or open
backup image files (BMP or JPG).
To access the Advanced Data Manager (ADM), do the following:
1. Click Advanced Data Manager panel (located in the Control Center) to expand it. ELMO-PRO must be in either Advanced
or Tree View.
2. In the Advanced Data Manager panel, locate and expand the Backup folder. A list of all backup files: *.i3d, *.avi,
*.bmp and *.jpg will be displayed.
3. To open any backup file, double-click on it.
a. *.i3d files will open in the Search Window.
In the top right corner of the Main Screen, the current status will become Server - Backup Viewer Search Mode:
To return to the Search mode, click
Close Backup Viewer
b. *.avi files will open in Windows Media Player
c. *.bmp and *.jpg files will open in Windows Picture and Fax Viewer
1.4.5. Using Bookmark
Much like regular paper bookmarks, bookmarks in the Server Search mode are used to mark specific instances in the
video recording for quick access at a later time. The Bookmark function saves the date and start time of specific video
instance in a single database, to simplify the search process later on.
ELMO-PRO v.1.403.16 - User Manual
Video Playback from Advanced Data Manager
Chapter 1. ELMO-PRO Server
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