Total time of track = 6 seconds
Seconds Occupied = 5 seconds
Number Served = 0
(Track did not meet the minimum time.)
There is no service time because the track did not
meet the minimum time for zone. However, the
number of seconds occupied is reported regard-
less of whether a service time is generated
Total time of track = 15 seconds
Seconds Occupied = 3 seconds
Number Served = 0
(Track did not meet the zone minimum time.)
The track enters the zone and immediately exits
for 10 seconds prior to reentering the zone. The
time spent outside of the zone is not merged
into the total time in the zone because the time
between the exit and the next enter exceeds the
merge threshold.
Total time of track = 20 seconds
Seconds Occupied = 15 seconds
Number Served = 1
The track enters and exits the zone several times,
but the time between the exit and the next enter
is only one second, which is less than the merge
time. The time outside the zone is merged into
service time for the track. The service time is
reported as 17 seconds (15 seconds inside the
zone plus 2 seconds that is merged into the
service time). Merged time is not included in the
seconds occupied metric.
Total time of track = 20 seconds
Seconds Occupied = 18 seconds
Number Served = 1
This track reports a service time of 18 seconds since the
track exceeded the zone minimum time.
Total time of track = 20 seconds
Seconds Occupied = 19 seconds
Number Served = 0
(Track hasn’t exited the zone.)
This track did not yet generate a service time
because it did not exit the zone. When the track
exits the zone, a service time is generated.
7.1.5 Notes about drawing service zones using a slow network
If the network connection you have to configure the D3D-2500 is slow, it may be time consuming to draw and move zones in the
image space. If you have this problem, click
on the Queueing page to stop the live video stream while you draw and position
your zones, then click
to restart the live video and test your configuration.