Grocery and Retail queues are typically drawn with the head zone (blue zone) covering a person checking out at the register, and
extending back to cover the queue area adjacent to the checkout conveyor belt. The queue count area (green and pink zone) is
drawn to overlap with the head zone and extend back to where queues form for each checkout. The pink line should be positioned
so that people in the queue cross it when they move to the service point. The Tail zone is created at the back of the queue count area
to allow wait time calculations for tracks that start in the back of the queue.
Serpentine Queue Configuration
Serpentine queues are configured with the head zone (blue zone) drawn where the front of the queue forms. The head zone must
be drawn large enough to encompass the first 3 or 4 people in the queue. The queue count area (green and pink zone) is drawn over
the entire queue area and completely overlap the head zone. The pink line should be positioned at the queue exit so that all people
exiting the queue will cross the pink line before moving to a teller.
6.1.10 Notes about drawing queues on a slow network
If you are using a slow network connection to configure the D3D-2500 you may find that it is difficult to draw and move zones in
image space. If you have this problem, click
on the Queueing page to stop the live video stream while you draw and position
your zones. After drawing the zones, click
to restart the live video stream and test your configuration.
6.2 Creating a new Queue zone
To create a new queue zone in the D3D-2500, do the following: