PR-2015-0159-GB • Subject to modifications • R1-11/2015
The fan is operated at the pre-set fan speed or rotational speed. Settings can be
entered via control panel There are further possibilities via building services or via
external modules.
Air change function
This function enables the fan to operate irrespective of the selected control sys-
tem and regardless if the setpoint temperature is reached. In this case the fan
speed / rotation speed must be selected manually. This should provide an optimal
air change in the room. This function can only be selected using the MATRIX
OP50 and MATRIX OP51 control panel or the MATRIX.PC service software.
If faults occur, e.g. frost risk, the unit is blocked. To enable the unit, set the speed
selection switch to "0" or "Off" position, wait a few seconds and switch back on
again. For control panels with display, perform the above-mentioned settings in
the "Fan mode" menu.
7.13.2 Valves
Depending on the selected controller, the integrated valve controller supports
open/close and modulating valves. The valves can be controlled in the following
Cooling or heating
Heating and cooling
In order to reach a common starting position, the factory-set synchronization
mechanism moves all connected valves (only modulating valves) to OPEN or
CLOSE position every 12 hours.
7.13.3 Condensate pump
The condensate pump drains the condensate that forms on cooling units.
Depending on requirements, the condensate pump is activated by a float switch.
When a limit value is exceeded, the fan is switched off, the cooling valve is closed
and an error message is displayed on the control panel.
7.13.4 Standby mode
Standby mode is only available with room temperature control option. This does
not regulate the temperature to a fixed setpoint, but instead to a pre-set setpoint