xStack® DGS-3620 Series Layer 3 Managed Stackable Gigabit Switch CLI Reference Guide
Chapter 4
Access Authentication
Control (AAC)
enable authen_policy
disable authen_policy
show authen_policy
create authen_login method_list_name
<string 15>
config authen_login
[default | method_list_name <string 15>] method {tacacs | xtacacs |
| radius | server_group <string 15> | local | none}(1)
delete authen_login method_list_name
<string 15>
show authen_login
[default | method_list_name <string 15> | all]
create authen_enable method_list_name
<string 15>
config authen_enable
[default | method_list_name <string 15>] method {tacacs | xtacacs |
| radius | server_group <string 15> | local_enable | none}(1)
delete authen_enable method_list_name
<string 15>
show authen_enable
[default | method_list_name <string 15> | all]
config authen application
[console | telnet | ssh | http | all] [login | enable] [default |
method_list_name <string 15>]
show authen application
create authen server_group
<string 15>
config authen server_group
[tacacs | xtacacs | | radius | <string 15>] [add | delete]
server_host <ipaddr> protocol [tacacs | xtacacs | | radius]
delete authen server_group
<string 15>
show authen server_group
{<string 15>}
create authen server_host
<ipaddr> protocol [tacacs | xtacacs | | radius] {port <int 1-
65535> | key [<key_string 254> | none] | timeout <int 1-255> | retransmit <int 1-20>}
config authen server_host
<ipaddr> protocol [tacacs | xtacacs | | radius] {port <int 1-
65535> | key [<key_string 254> | none] | timeout <int 1-255> | retransmit <int 1-20>}(1)
delete authen server_host
<ipaddr> protocol [tacacs | xtacacs | | radius]
show authen server_host
config authen parameter response_timeout
<int 0-255>
config authen parameter attempt
<int 1-255>
show authen parameter
enable admin
config admin local_enable
The TACACS / XTACACS / / RADIUS commands allows secure access to the Switch
using the TACACS / XTACACS / / RADIUS protocols. When a user logs in to the
Switch or tries to access the administrator level privilege, he or she is prompted for a password. If
TACACS / XTACACS / / RADIUS authentication is enabled on the Switch, it will contact
a TACACS / XTACACS / / RADIUS server to verify the user. If the user is verified, he or
she is granted access to the Switch.
There are currently three versions of the TACACS security protocol, each a separate entity. The
Switch’s software supports the following versions of TACACS:
TACACS (Terminal Access Controller Access Control System)
—Provides password
checking and authentication, and notification of user actions for security purposes utilizing