xStack® DGS-3620 Series Layer 3 Managed Stackable Gigabit Switch CLI Reference Guide
Chapter 31
Ethernet Ring
Protection Switching
(ERPS) Commands
enable erps
disable erps
create erps raps_vlan
delete erps raps_vlan
config erps raps_vlan
<vlanid> [state [enable | disable] | ring_mel <value 0-7> | ring_port [west
[<port> | virtual_channel] | east [<port> | virtual_channel]] | rpl_port [west | east | none] |
rpl_owner [enable | disable] | protected_vlan [add | delete] vlanid <vidlist> | sub_ring
raps_vlan <vlanid> tc_propagation state [enable | disable] | [add | delete] sub_ring raps_vlan
<vlanid> | revertive [enable | disable] | timer {holdoff_time <millisecond 0-10000> | guard_time
<millisecond 10-2000> | wtr_time <min 5-12>}(1)]
config erps log
[enable | disable]
config erps trap
[enable | disable]
show erps
{raps_vlan <vlanid> {sub_ring}}
enable erps
This command is used to enable the ERPS function on a switch. STP and LBD should be disabled
on the ring ports before enabling ERPS. ERPS cannot be enabled before the R-APS VLAN is
created, and ring ports, an RPL port, an RPL owner, are configured. In order to guarantee correct
operation, the following integrity will be checked when ERPS is enabled:
1. R-APS VLAN is created.
2. The Ring port is a tagged member port of the R-APS VLAN.
3. The RPL port is specified if the RPL owner is enabled.
enable erps
Only Administrator, Operator and Power-User level users can issue this command.