R E V I E W D R A F T - C I S C O C O N F I D E N T I A L
Cisco 4700 Series Application Control Engine Appliance Administration Guide
Chapter 9 Configuring the XML Interface
XML Overview
The returned error codes correspond to the attributes of the configuration element.
The possible returned XML error can include:
XML_ERR_WELLFORMEDNESS /* not a well formed xml document */
XML_ERR_ATTR_INVALID /* found invalid value attribute */
XML_ERR_ELEM_INVALID /* found invalid value unrecognized */
XML_ERR_CDL_NOT_FOUN /* parser cdl file not found */
XML_ERR_INTERNAL /* internal memory or coding error */
XML_ERR_COMM_FAILURE /* communication failure */
XML_ERR_VSH_PARSER /* vsh parse error on the given command */
XML_ERR_VSH_CONF_APPLY /* vsh unable to apply the configuration */
Document Type Definition
A DTD is the basis for XML configuration documents that you create using the
ACE. The purpose of a DTD is to define the legal building blocks of an XML
document by defining the document structure with a list of legal elements.
DTD designates an XML list that specifies precisely which elements can appear
in a request, query, or response document. It also specifies the contents and
attributes of the elements. A DTD can be declared inline in your XML document
or as an external reference.
The ACE DTD file, ace_appliance.dtd, is included as part of the software image
and is accessible from a web browser using either HTTP or HTTPS. See the
“Accessing the ACE DTD File”
section for details. You can use a web browser to
directly access the ace_appliance.dtd file or open the ace_appliance.dtd file from
the Cisco ACE Appliance Management page.
By default, XML responses will automatically appear in XML format if the
corresponding CLI
command output supports the XML format. However, if
you are running commands on the CLI console or you are running raw XML
responses from NMS, the XML responses appear in regular CLI display format.
See the
“Enabling the Display of Raw XML Request show Command Output in
XML Format”
section for details. For details on the
command output
supported in XML format, consult the ace_appliance.dtd file.