Chapter 4 Configuring Class Maps and Policy Maps
Viewing Class Maps, Policy Maps, and Service Policies
Cisco 4700 Series Application Control Engine Appliance Administration Guide
Displaying Service Policy Configuration Information
To display service policy statistics, use the
show service-policy
command in Exec
mode. The statistics that appear in the output are dependent on the configuration
of the associated Layer 3 and Layer 4 policy map. The
show service-policy
command displays the following information:
VLAN to which the policy is applied
Class map associated with the policy
Status of any load-balancing operations
The syntax of this command is:
show service-policy
The keywords, options, and arguments are as follows:
—Identifier of an existing policy map that is currently in service
(applied to an interface) as an unquoted text string with a maximum of 64
alphanumeric characters.
—(Optional) Displays a more detailed listing of policy map statistics
and status information.
The ACE updates the counters that the
show service-policy
command displays
after the applicable connections are closed.
For example, to display the service policy statistics for the
HTTP_INSPECT_L4POLICY policy map, enter:
show service-policy HTTP_INSPECT_L4POLICY
To clear the service policy statistics, use the
clear service-policy
command. The
syntax of this command is:
clear service-policy
For the
argument, enter the identifier of an existing policy map that
is currently in service (applied to an interface).
For example, to clear the statistics for the policy map
REMOTE_MGMT_POLICY that is currently in service, enter:
clear service-policy REMOTE_MGMT_POLICY