doseBadge⁵ noise dosimeter - instrument handbook
The dBLink app
The dBLink app is a mobile application that can be installed onto Android and iOS devices.
It allows for doseBadge5 instruments to be controlled and configured, and for measurement
information to be viewed remotely. It can also be used to gather mid-shift readings from
instruments without having to disturb the person wearing the doseBadge.
Connecting to your doseBadge
Connection to dBLink is via Bluetooth. Ensure that Bluetooth is enabled on your mobile
To connect to an available doseBadge5, run the dBLink app and allow the program to
discover instruments that are within range.
Once instruments have been detected, they will be displayed on the discovery screen.
Note that a doseBadge can only be connected to dBLink
the wand. If dBLink is running
and has detected a doseBadge5, close the app before connecting to the wand.