doseBadge⁵ noise dosimeter - instrument handbook
Calibrating your doseBadge
It is good practice and often a legal requirement, that a noise measurement instrument is
calibrated both before and after a measurement is made using an acoustic calibrator.
Your doseBadge records the time and level of calibrations that have been carried out, which
can be viewed in NoiseTools, via the wand, or through dBLink.
Setting the calibration level
The calibration level of the doseBadge5 is nominally set to 114dB to match the Cirrus
Research CR:518 acoustic calibrator. However, the level can be changed to suit other
calibrators, such as the Cirrus Research CR:514 or CR:515, which provide a calibration
level of 94dB.
To change or check the level, connect your doseBadge to NoiseTools via the dock and go
to the Configure menu. Adjust the calibration level as required and save the changes to
your instrument.
See page 17 for details of configuring your doseBadge in NoiseTools.
Your doseBadge will not enter calibration mode if a measurement is running or paused.
Ensure that the instrument is stopped before calibrating (if the blue LED is flashing, the
instrument is running or is in pause mode).
Removing the windshield
The windshield is secured to the doseBadge5 using a plastic carrier. To remove the
windshield, carefully press on the sides of the windshield carrier and pull the assembly away
from the body of the instrument as shown in the image on the next page.
Do not pull the foam windshield as this may cause damage.