doseBadge⁵ noise dosimeter - instrument handbook
55 Your doseBadge is measuring
When your instrument is measuring, the options are to either pause or stop the
measurement. The small green ”recording” icon in the status bar indicates that your
doseBadge is measuring.
Pressing the right button will stop the measurement and a confirmation will appear for a
few seconds. The message is split into two lines.
Pressing the up button will pause the measurement and a confirmation will appear for a few
seconds. The message is split into two lines.
A measurement can be paused up to five times. An error message will be displayed if you
attempt to pause a measurement too many times. Your doseBadge is paused
When the measurement is paused, the options are to either resume it, or stop it. The small
purple ”paused” icon in the status bar indicates that the measurement is paused.