doseBadge⁵ noise dosimeter - instrument handbook
Pressing the left button will resume the measurement and a confirmation screen will appear
for a few seconds.
Pressing the right button will stop the measurement and the “Measurement Stopped”
confirmation screen will appear for a few seconds.
15.3.4 Read
When selecting the “Read” page on the main view, your wand will read the measurements
on your doseBadge and present the results. Instrument is empty
If the instrument is not measuring and does not contain any measurement data, a message
will be displayed for a few seconds.
15.3.5 Review
After reading the measurements from your doseBadge, the Review page is shown. The
details of a measurement are accessed by using the left/right buttons, while the up/down
buttons are used to go to the next/previous measurement.
Each measurement consists of several pages:
• The summary page with the measurement number, start time and duration
• The calibration page with information about the last calibration before the measurement