doseBadge⁵ noise dosimeter - instrument handbook
11.4.4 Scheduled measurements
If a scheduled stop time has been programmed into the instrument, this will be activated
at the appropriate time and the instrument will end measuring. The measurement data
will be stored in the instrument, ready for download or viewing.
Downloading measurements
11.5.1 Downloading to NoiseTools
NoiseTools allows measurement data to be downloaded and analysed, and for measurement
reports to be created.
For further guidance on using NoiseTools, please refer to online documentation, training
videos and support information.
When a doseBadge5 is connected to a powered dock, which is connected to the NoiseTools
software via a USB cable, it will appear in the Instrument window.
If more than one doseBadge unit is connected to the dock, each instrument will be shown
with its serial number as shown below:
If multiple docks are connected to NoiseTools, these will be visible in the main window:
Click on View to open the dock View.
In the example on the next page, five individual dosimeter units are connected to the dock.