doseBadge⁵ noise dosimeter - instrument handbook
Attaching & removing your doseBadge
You should consult any local regulations or standards for specific information about the
positioning of noise dosimeters, but it is recommend that the doseBadge5 is mounted close
to the ear, typically within 10-15cm (4” to 6”). This will help to avoid reflections from the
head, which can affect measurements.
The microphone should be as vertical as possible and the windshield should always be
attached before measurements are started.
Avoid handling the doseBadge5 when it is running and storing data.
Physical impacts upon your doseBadge can affect the measurements data and so the
dosimeter will record impacts using the internal accelerometer. When the sensor is
activated, the time history data is marked and this can be seen in NoiseTools.
If the source of the noise to be measured appears to be coming from one direction, it is
recommended that the instrument is mounted onto the shoulder closest to that source.
When the doseBadge5 is measuring, keep clothing away from the windshield and
microphone to avoid any unwanted noise being recorded.
Clip your doseBadge onto clothing using the mounting clips supplied and ensure that the
unit is secure, as show below.
To remove your doseBadge, ensure that the instrument is stopped (the blue LED will flash
when the instrument is measuring).
Release the clips and remove your dosimeter.