doseBadge⁵ noise dosimeter - instrument handbook
Storing & transporting your doseBadge
Where your doseBadge will not be used for extended periods, it can be set to Transport
Mode. This will prevent the badge from running and will minimise its power consumption.
The doseBadge5 can then be stored for long periods of time without needing to charge the
Please note that the battery will be depleted after approximately four weeks whilst Transport
Mode is enabled.
If your doseBadge is not set to Transport Mode, the battery will be depleted after
approximately seven days.
Transport mode
Your doseBadge can be put into Transport Mode, which shuts down the instrument,
disables the shake-to-wake sensor and puts the instrument into its lowest power mode.
This can be used if the instrument is being shipped or where movement will activate the
sensor and wake the badge, which will result in the battery being drained.
When Transport Mode is enabled, your doseBadge will shut down and the shake-to-wake
sensor will be deactivated. This will prevent the instrument from waking during transport
and will conserve battery power.
Before the doseBadge5 can be used again, it must be connected to a powered dock. This
will disable Transport Mode and allow the instrument to be used as normal. The instrument
must be fully charged before use.
To enable Transport Mode, connect the instrument to NoiseTools. From the Configure
menu, select the Advanced tab.