doseBadge⁵ noise dosimeter - instrument handbook
Configuring your doseBadge
Select the instrument from the discovery screen and use the menu to select the
measurements option or swipe left to view the Setting screen.
The following items can be configured from the
settings screen:
• Instrument name
• Place - this information is downloaded into
• Person - this information is downloaded into
• Project - this person is downloaded into
• Clock (synchronise the clock on the doseBadge
to the one on your mobile device)
You can also perform the following functions on the
settings screen:
• Clear the instrument’s memory
• Select the integrators (up to four independent integrators can be enabled at any time)
• Select the SPL Max settings (up to four independent SPL Mac values can be enabled
at any time)
• Select the Peak channels (up to two independent Peak channels can be enabled at
any time)
• Enable or disable scheduled measurements
• Add a scheduled measurement
If any settings have been changed, press Save Settings at the bottom of the screen to save
the new configuration to the instrument. This will require the instrument’s memory to be
cleared. Confirm the changes to clear the memory and to program the new settings into
the doseBadge5.