doseBadge⁵ noise dosimeter - instrument handbook
Configuring your doseBadge
Configuration overview
Your doseBadge is an advanced noise measurement instrument and can provide up to 4
independent integrators, 2 independent Peak channels and up to 4 independent maximum
SPL channels.
In many applications, the configuration of your doseBadge will not change once it has been
setup for the first time, but any of the configuration options can be adjusted to allow the
instrument to meet any noise measurement standard or regulation.
The most comprehensive configuration options are available through NoiseTools. A
limited set of options are available through the dBLink App and the RC:120A wand allows
scheduled timers to be enabled or disabled.
Integrator settings
Integrators are at the heart of any noise dosimeter and your doseBadge is no different. The
advantage of the doseBadge5 is that it allows up to 4 independent integrators to be run at
the same time, each of which can be individually tailored as needed.
Full control over the exchange rate, time weighting, frequency weighting, threshold level,
criterion time, criterion level and upper limit threshold are provided for each integrator.
A number of pre-set integrators are provided covering most applications and these are
referred to as ISO LAeq, ISO LCeq, OSHA HC, OSHA PEL, OSHA HC/C (C-weighted),
Detailed configuration of these can be found on page 74.
Scheduled measurements
Scheduled measurements are a new feature
in the doseBadge5 that give the user more
control over when measurements are made.
There may be situations where it is not
possible for the person responsible for
making noise measurements to be present
to start, pause or stop the instrument.
Your doseBadge can be pre-programmed to
start and stop recording noise data, allowing
your measurements to be made without the
need for you to be present.