doseBadge⁵ noise dosimeter - instrument handbook
When calibration is complete, remove the acoustic calibrator and replace the windshield.
To re-attach the windshield, press the assembly back onto the body of your doseBadge,
taking care to ensure that it is securely located. Your doseBadge is now ready to use.
Post-measurement calibration
The doseBadge5 allows for a calibration to be carried out after a measurement has been
completed. Many occupational standards and regulations require a post-measurement
calibration to be carried out and for the differences between the pre and post measurement
calibration levels to be reviewed.
To carry out a post measurement calibration, follow the same process as outlined in the
previous section.
The second calibration is recorded by the instrument and can be viewed in NoiseTools, on
dBLink, or through the wand.
In the example below, the measurement has been downloaded into NoiseTools. The pre
and post measurement calibration information is shown in the summary view:
Clicking on the arrow or the details tab shows
the detailed information with the time, date,
level and offsets.
For applications where the drift between
calibrations is required, this can be calculated
from the difference between the Calibration
Before Offset and the Calibration After
In this example, the drift is 0.28dB – 0.20 dB
= 0.08dB.