64/132 Commissioning
Bosch Rexroth AG
, SYEPS series 1X, RE 30201-B/07.2014
Check the input words on the PLC (output words of the HNC100):
Data word “acknowledge bits”: When new values are transmitted to the HNC100,
the associated bits must toggle (see WIN-PED® Bus manager, online help).
Data word “error bits”: This data word must always be zero. Otherwise,
impermissible data must have been transmitted to the HNC100.
Data word “fault HNC100”: Indicates the error byte of the HNC100 (see Chapter
9.3.5 “Data transmission“ on page 105). This should always have the value “0”,
otherwise, the HNC100 is in an erroneous state, which can only be cleared by
withdrawing IN1. In the PLC the same value must be shown as in A parameter
A002 “Error” in the WIN-PED® diagnosis window.
Data word “actual position value”: A value between 0 and 4000 must be
shown here. The value has 2 decimal points. The typical value is 4000, which
corresponds to position “40.00 mm”. In the PLC the same value must be shown
as in A parameter A001 “Actual position value” in the WIN-PED® diagnosis
Data word “mode”: In the PLC the same value must be shown as in A parameter
A003 “Mode” in the WIN-PED® diagnosis window.
Data word “following error(k): In the PLC the same value must be shown as in A
parameter A004 “Following error(k)” in the WIN-PED® diagnosis window.
For checking the data transmission from the PLC to the HNC100, in WIN-PED® 6 the
R parameter window must be open and sub-item “Activate polling” must be selected
in menu item “Communication”.
Output words on the PLC (check input words of the HNC100):
Data word (1st data word from the PLC to the HNC100) R454 “new mode“:
– Here, the values as described in Chapter 9.2 “Operating modes“ on page
84 must be transmitted. For punching operation, value “34” must be
transmitted. Whether the value has been correctly received or not is signaled
by R parameter R454 “new mode” in WIN-PED® in the R parameter window
“System“, which changes over to 34, as does A variable A003 “mode” in the
diagnosis window. If an error occurs during the transmission you can check
with the help of the first two data words “acknowledge bit” and “error bit”,
whether the value was sent at all by the PLC and whether the value was
outside the permissible range of values.
– If this won’t help you should follow the steps described in “Troubleshooting”
to check for transmission errors.
Data word (2nd data word from the PLC to the HNC100) R521 “HPmax
command value”:
This value should only be overwritten after consultation with Bosch Rexroth.
Data word (3rd data word from the PLC to the HNC100) R423 “POP1(OT)”:
This data word transmits the position over plate POP (OT) with 2 decimal
places. A value of 2000 corresponds to the absolute position 20.000 mm in the
R parameter window of WIN-PED®.
Data word (4th data word from the PLC to the HNC100) R425 “PUP (UT)”:
This data word transmits the position under plate “PUP (UT)” with 2 decimal
places. A value of 1000 corresponds to the absolute position 10.000 mm in the
R parameter window of WIN-PED®.