Installation 43/132
RE 30201-B/07.2014, SYEPS series 1X,
Bosch Rexroth AG
Fig. 18: Punching system variant “Standard 600“
7.5.3 Installing the HNC100
For installation instructions, see operating instructions for the HNC100, 30139-B.
7.5.4 Connecting the SYEHL and HNC100 electrically
Emitted interference!
Risk of injury due to malfunction and uncontrolled movements!
Eliminate sources of interference in the vicinity of the HNC100.
Ensure an installation in line with EMC requirements.
Observe the installation notes in the operating instructions of the HNC100,
Lay the cables and lines so that they cannot be damaged and no one can stumble
over them.
Install signal and power cables as far away from each other as possible and do
not install them in parallel.
Do not route signal cables through strong magnetic fields.
Whenever possible, install signal cables without any interruptions. If intermediate
terminals are required, use a terminal block with shield bus and ready-to-connect
HNC100 cable (max. length 2 m).
Install power cables consisting of two individual wires (e. g. voltage supply) in
parallel or twisted.
Cables should only have the number of wires actually required. If this is
impossible, connect the wires with each other and connect them to ground on
one side in the control cabinet.
By snapping the housing of the HNC100 on a conductive mounting rail, the
earth connection is established with the rear wall of the control cabinet. This
constitutes the HF grounding of the HNC100.
Do not use any silicone-containing sealants, adhesives or insulating agents.