Trailer Crane AHK 30/1400
1.3 Explanation of symbols
Pos : 1.10 /Kothes! Networ k/Boeker/Allgemei nes /Er kl ärung Symbole Boec ker @ 8\mod_1142324961701_1.doc @ 76201
Important safety and technical device instructions are identified by warning notices in this
operating manual. The warnings must be strictly heeded to prevent accidents, personal
injury, and property damage.
Pos : 1.11 /Kothes! Networ k/Boeker/Allgemei nes /Gefahr ens ymbole allg. Boec ker EU @ 8\mod_1142864543246_1.doc @ 78926
This symbol is used to label dangers that can result in damage to health, injury,
disability or even death.
Strictly adhere to the associated safety instructions and always proceed with
special caution!
This symbol is used to identify instructions where non-compliance might result
in damage to property, malfunction and/or failure of the machine.
This symbol is used to identify tips and other information that should be observed in
order to ensure efficient and trouble-free operation of the machine.
Pos : 1.12 /Kothes! Networ k/Boeker/Allgemei nes /Hinweiss ymbol e Boec ker (00976) @ 7\mod_1140877679649_1.doc @ 71281
The following symbols have been used to make the operating manual more understandable:
Indicates component with its own operating manual
Pos : 1.13 /FI/(---------- 1 Leerz eile ----------) @ 0\mod796_1.doc @ 1527
Pos : 1.14 /Kothes! Networ k/Boeker/Allgemei nes /1.1 Kennz eichnung en am Gerät Titel @ 8\mod_1141643058892_1.doc @ 73921