Trailer Crane AHK 30/1400
7.3 Crane Operation
Pos : 7.21 /Kothes! Networ k/Boeker/Bedienung/Warnung s chwebende LAsten AH K EU Böc ker ( 00985) @ 10\mod_1147686408915_1.doc @ 99109
Check warning and instruction stickers for legibility and completeness.
WARNING! Danger to life!
Suspended loads can fall and cause severe or fatal injuries.
Never position yourself under a suspended load for the transport with lifting gear!
WARNING! Risk of damage to persons and property!
Falling components can cause injury and property damage. Failure to heed the
warning poses a hazard to life and limb.
Block unauthorized access to the danger zone.
Never stand under the load.
Do not exceed load capacity, see "Load Sign“.
Use only load take-up that is suitable for the job in hand and has been approved
by the manufacturer.
When using load take-ups, always adhere to the instructions in the associated
user manual.
Securely lash building components to the load suspension gear with suitable
Position the load's center of gravity as centered and as deep as possible.
Constantly observe wind speed and weather conditions.
Always move the device with the greatest care and caution.
Avoid load swing build-up
Ropes and belts must be equipped with safety hooks. Do not use frayed ropes or
ropes with chafing marks. Do not lay ropes and belts on sharp edges and
corners, do not knot or twist ropes and belts.
Jerking crane movements and gusting wind can cause suspended loads to sway
uncontrollably. Crane movement must therefore be made slowly and with great
care. In the event of strong gusts, lower the load to the ground and discontinue
In the event of a storm warning or if strong gusty winds occur, retract the
extended parts and set the machine to transport position.
For lifting loads, the load hook must be fully closed.