Trailer Crane AHK 30/1400
Pos : 9.2 /Kothes! Networ k/Boeker/Lagerung/1 Lager ung Ti tel @ 8\mod_1141317872905_1.doc @ 72658
9 Storage
Pos : 9.3 /Kothes! Networ k/Boeker/Lagerung/Lager ung bei Nichtbenutzung AHK EU Böc ker @ 11\mod_1149545731042_1.doc @ 115205
Execute the following work steps if the device will not be used for a longer period of time:
Thoroughly clean the device.
Check warning and instruction stickers for legibility and completeness.
Increase tire pressure by 0,5 bar.
Grease all moveable parts via the lubricating nipple (revolving joint)
Make driver motor, axle, winding fixture capable of storage in accordance with the
manufacturer's specifications, see "Appendix".
Check the motor oil fill level, see supplier documentation "Appendix".
Check the hydraulic oil fill level, see "Starting the Motor".
Place the stop blocks under the wheels.
Release the hand brake.
For storage periods longer than 1 month also:
Check tire pressure monthly.
Check the motor oil fill level, see supplier documentation "Appendix".
Check the hydraulic oil fill level, see "Starting the Motor".
Check components for movement.
For longer periods of storage also execute the following every 3 months.
Run through and check all crane functions
Completely retract and extend all hydraulic cylinders
Activate the cable winch for 10 minutes
Activate slewing gear several times
Check all safety switches and limit switches for function and ease of movement.
Grease all moving parts, see "Fuels and Lubricants"
Move the undercarriage
Jack up mobile crane via supports, tires should not contact the ground
Check the brakes
Check overrun brake and parking brake for function