Trailer Crane AHK 30/1400
The mobile crane's bracing system enables different bracing widths that are coupled to
different slewing ranges.
This enables 4 different arrangements of the bracing system.
Completely braced - crane work is possible without limitation
Braced on one side, left - crane work is possible to the front, rear and to the left
Braced on one side, right - crane work is possible to the front, rear and to the right
One outrigger, braced on one side - slewing range of 210° is possible
1. Completely braced
Crane work possible
without limitation
2. One side braced left
Crane work possible
to the front, rear, and
to the left
3. One side braced right
Crane work possible
to the front, rear,
and to the right
4. One outrigger, braced on one side - slewing range 210° possible
Abb. 104: Drawings - bracing possibilities