Trailer Crane AHK 30/1400
Technical data
Horizontal extension, main boom 50% extension; fly jib
boom 165° swung out -
the distance between the center
line of the fulcrum and the center line of the crane hook of
the boom tip.
16,9 m
Horizontal extension, main boom 100% extension: fly jib
boom 165° swung out
- the distance between the center
line of the fulcrum and center line of the crane hook of the
boom tip.
22,6 m
Horizontal extension, main boom 100% extension and first
extension fly jib boom; 165° swung out
- the distance
between the center line of the fulcrum and the center line
of the crane hook of the boom tip with horizontal main
boom first and second stage fully extended and fly jib
boom first extension extended.
25,0 m
Horizontal extension, main boom 100% extension and fly
jib boom fully extended, fly jib boom swung-out 165°
- the
distance between the center line of the fulcrum and the
center line of the crane hook of the boom tip with
horizontal main boom first and second stage fully extended
and fly job boom first and second extensions extended.
26,6 m
Outrigger span
- the distance between the center lines of
the fulcrums of the outrigger pads at ground height
measured at maximum span.
5,0 m
Pos : 4.1 /F I/.......... Seitenumbr uch .......... @ 0\mod272_1.doc @ 1522