Trailer Crane AHK 30/1400
7.2.2 End of Work Measures
Pos : 7.15 /Kothes! Networ k/Boeker/Bedienung/M aßnahmen Arbeits ende AHK allg. Böc ker ( 00980) @ 10\mod_1146668512805_1.doc @ 96690
The following activities
be executed prior to ending work:
Lower load suspension gear to the ground and off-load mast.
Retract telescoping mast and bring it into transport position.
Switch off motor and safeguard it from being switched on again.
Remove all keys (remote control, tool box.
Turn the main switch on the control cabinet to "OFF" and lock the main switch with a
Protect the device from theft.
For devices with gas motor, lock the gas tank.
Place the motor hood on and lock it.
Cordon off traffic area, signal and illuminate.
Block access to the device.
Pos : 7.16 /FI/(---------- 1 Leerz eile ----------) @ 0\mod796_1.doc @ 1527
Pos : 7.17 /Kothes! Networ k/Boeker/Bedienung/1.1.1 M aßnahmen bei Wi eder aufnahme der Ar beit Titel @ 8\mod_1142071169052_1.doc @ 75628
7.2.3 Measures When Resuming Work
Pos : 7.18 /Kothes! Networ k/Boeker/Bedienung/M aßnahmen Arbeits- Wiederaufnahme Boec ker @ 8\mod_1142071789231_1.doc @ 75664
Prior to resuming work the following measures
be executed:
Check the outriggers
Check the alignment and anchoring of the rail pack
Execute maintenance, see "Prior to Each Use".
Pos : 7.19 /FI/(---------- 1 Leerz eile ----------) @ 0\mod796_1.doc @ 1527
Pos : 7.20 /Kothes! Networ k/Boeker/Bedienung/1.1 Bedienung Kran Titel @ 10\mod_1146668999349_1.doc @ 96704