Trailer Crane AHK 30/1400
1.9 Disposal
If a return or disposal agreement has not been concluded, then recycle dismantled
• Scrap metal material residue.
• Take plastic elements to plastic recycling points.
• Sort and dispose of all other components according to material condition.
Electrical scrap and electronic components, lubricants and other auxiliary
materials are subject to treatment as special waste, and should only be disposed
of by approved specialist companies!
Pos : 1.29 /FI/Allgemeines/Betriebs mittel UNIVERSAL (Ger ät) @ 2\mod1576_1.doc @ 2837
Consumables such as greases, oils, preservatives and cleaning agents must be sorted by
type and disposed of in an environmentally compliant manner. Approved collection and
storage containers suitable for the respective consumables must be used. Clearly mark
containers with information as to content, filling level and date and store until final disposal in
a manner ruling out incorrect use.
Pos : 1.30 /Kothes! Networ k/Boeker/Allgemei nes /Betriebs mittel UN IVER SAL (Anlag e) @ 12\mod_1152204396055_1.doc @ 130932
Process chemicals including grease, oil, preservatives and cleaning agents may not be
mixed and must be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. Approved collection
and storage containers suitable for the respective consumables must be used. Clearly mark
containers with information as to content, filling level and date and store until final disposal in
a manner ruling out incorrect use.
Pos : 1.31 /FI/ ----------Absatz ende----------- @ 3\mod_1120132332937_1.doc @ 17416
Pos : 2.1 /F I/.......... Seitenumbr uch .......... @ 0\mod272_1.doc @ 1522