Trailer Crane AHK 30/1400
Pos : 1.4 /F I/Allgemei nes /1 Allgemeines Ti tel @ 0\mod155_1.doc @ 2732
1 General
Pos : 1.5 /Kothes! Networ k/Boeker/Allgemei nes/Infor mationen z ur Betriebsanl eitung Böc ker @ 7\mod_1140875004052_1.doc @ 71243
1.1 Information about the Operating Manual
This operating manual describes operation and maintenance of the device. Compliance with
the specified safety instructions and handling instructions is the prerequisite for safe work
and proper handling of the device.
In addition, applicable local regulations for the prevention of industrial accidents and general
safety regulations must be complied with.
The operating manual is part of the product and must be kept accessible in the immediate
vicinity of the device for installation, operating, maintenance, service, and cleaning purposes.
The graphic illustrations in this manual are provided for purposes of better presentation and
explanation of content, they are not necessarily true to scale and can deviate slightly from
the actual version of the device.
In addition to this operating manual the operating manuals of the installed components also
apply. The instructions contained therein - particularly the safety instructions - must be
complied with!
Pos : 1.6 /F I/ ----------Absatz ende----------- @ 3\mod_1120132332937_1.doc @ 17416
Pos : 1.7 /F I/Allgemei nes /1.1 Mitgeltende U nterl agen UNIVER SAL (Ger ät) @ 4\mod_1122370028778_1.doc @ 18896
1.2 Applicable Documents
Components supplied by other manufacturers are installed in the device (e.g. drive motors).
These purchased subassemblies have been subjected to hazard evaluations by their
manufacturers. Compliance of the designs with applicable European and directives has been
declared by the manufacturers of the components.
The Declarations of Conformity of these manufacturers, as well as the operating,
maintenance, and repair instructions for the respective device components are inseparable
components of this device documentation. Operating personnel must comply with
instructions relative to safety, setup and installation, maintenance, dismounting, and disposal
of the components as contained in the manufacturer's documentation.
Pos : 1.8 /F I/ ----------Absatz ende----------- @ 3\mod_1120132332937_1.doc @ 17416
Pos : 1.9 /F I/Allgemei nes /Symboler klär ung/1.1 Symbol er klär ung Titel @ 5\mod_1129886317002_1.doc @ 40319