Trailer Crane AHK 30/1400
2.5 Work safety
Compliance with the notes on safety can help to avoid personal injury and material damage
when working on the machine. Failure to comply with these notes will cause a considerably
risk of injury for persons and danger of damage or destruction of the machine
Non-compliance with the safety regulations causes the exclusion of any liability or
compensation claims against the manufacturer or his representative.
Pos : 2.13 /FI/Sic her hei t/Schutz ausrüs tung/1.1 Pers önlic he Sc hutz ausrüstung Titel @ 0\mod245_1.doc @ 1662
2.6 Personal safety equipment
Pos : 2.14 /FI/Sic her hei t/Schutz ausrüs tung/Bei Arbeiten am Gerät sind z u tragen... @ 0\mod420_1.doc @ 1682
In principle, the following is to be worn when working on or with the machine:
Pos : 2.15 /FI/Sic her hei t/Schutz ausrüs tung/Schutz kl ei dung @ 0\mod247_1.doc @ 1657
Tight fitting work clothing (minimal tear strength, no wide sleeves,
no rings or other jewellery, etc.).
Pos : 2.16 /FI/Sic her hei t/Schutz ausrüs tung/Si cherheitssc huhe @ 0\mod335_1.doc @ 1672
Safety shoes
to protect against heavy parts being dropped and slipping on
slippery surfaces.
Pos : 2.17 /FI/Sic her hei t/Schutz ausrüs tung/m/S Schutzhandsc huhe @ 3\mod_1117540659156_1.doc @ 13486
Protective gloves
for the protection of the hands from abrasion, laceration, etc., burns
and damage from hazardous substances.
Pos : 2.18 /FI/Sic her hei t/Schutz ausrüs tung/m/S Gehörs chutz @ 3\mod_1117540858718_1.doc @ 13506
Hearing protection
to protect hearing against damage.
Pos : 2.19 /Kothes! Networ k/Boeker/Sicherheit/Sc hutzhel m Böc ker @ 8\mod_1142437714544_1.doc @ 77739
Hard Hat
for working on and under the device. For protection against falling
and flying parts and materials.
Pos : 2.20 /Kothes! Networ k/Boeker/Sicherheit/Gefahren, di e von dem Gerät ausgehen können Allg @ 8\mod_1142325311427_1.doc @ 76210