Trailer Crane AHK 30/1400
Approaching Operating Limit Positions
§ 39.
Operational approach to limit positions that are limited by emergency restraint devices
is only permitted if these devices are switched in front of operational limit devices.
Setup, dismounting, and retrofitting mobile cranes
§ 40.
(1) Mobile cranes can only be implemented on stable substrates. If necessary
outriggers should be used and the stability of the ground must be reinforced (see "Site
(5) Mobile cranes that are setup, dismounted, or retrofitted at their respective site must be
setup, dismounted, or retrofitted in accordance with the assembly instructions under the
supervision of a person designated by the customer.
Repair or Modification Work on Cranes, and Work in the Crane Movement Range
§ 42.
(1) For all repair or modification work on cranes and in the crane movement area the
customer, or his assigned representative, must arrange for the following safety measures
and monitor compliance with these measures:
1. The crane must be switched off and safeguarded from being switched on again by
unauthorized persons.
2. If there is a hazard posed by falling objects then the danger zone must be secured by
cordoning off or by warning posts.
3. The crane must be secured by rail blocks or warning posts in the moving crane so that it
cannot be approached by other cranes.
4. The crane operators of the neighboring cranes, if necessary also those of the neighboring
traffic routes must be instructed relative to the type and location of the work. This also
applies for replacement personnel when changing shifts.
(2) If the safety measures cited in paragraph 1 are not practical, or for operational reasons
cannot be met, or are not adequate then the customer, or his assigned representative must
arrange for and monitor compliance with other safety measures or additional safety
Startup after Repair and Modification Work
§ 43.
After repair and modification work, or after work in the crane movement area, cranes
can only be started up if customer or his assigned representative releases the crane for
operation. Prior to such release the customer or his assigned representative must be certain
1. The work has been definitively concluded,
2. The entire crane is again in operationally safe condition and
3. All personnel participating in the work have left the crane.