Trailer Crane AHK 30/1400
Pos : 8.2 /Kothes! Networ k/Boeker/Abbau/1 Abbau Titel @ 8\mod_1141490412413_1.doc @ 73791
8 Dismantling
Pos : 8.3 /Kothes! Networ k/Boeker/Abbau/1.1 Gerät abbauen Titel @ 8\mod_1141827093869_1.doc @ 74857
8.1 Dismounting the Device
Pos : 8.4 /Kothes! Networ k/Boeker/Abbau/Abbau AHK EU Böc ker (00985) @ 10\mod_1147698297101_1.doc @ 99371
WARNING! Danger to life!
Overturning the device can result in severe or fatal injuries and property
Danger of overturning through improper operation! Due to the high dead weight
of the crane the following instructions must be strictly heeded:
exceed the specified tilting danger limit!
Do not exceed the values on the load diagram on the crane during the
entire dismounting process, see "Load diagram"
ATTENTION! Risk of injury!
Do not reach into the cable winch. Do not touch the steel cables while the unit is
in operation, as this could lead to injury.
Do not reach into the openings of the cable winch. Do not touch the steel wires or
the idle rollers.
Before disassembling the unit, remove all objects and dirt from the load take-up.
When working at the load cable, always wear protective gloves!