Trailer Crane AHK 30/1400
2.7 Hazards that Can be Associated with the Device
The device has been subjected to a hazard analysis. The design and execution of the device
derived from this analysis represents the current state of the art.
Nevertheless residual risks exist!
os: 2.21 /Kothes! Networ k/Boeker/Sic her heit/War nung Sic herheit Kühls ys tem Druc k Böc ker @ 25\mod_1165851912507_1.doc @ 277801
ATTENTION! Risk of burns!
Pressurised hot coolant might escape, causing serious burns!
Before carrying out any maintenance work on the cooling system, allow its
components and the coolant liquid to cool down to ambient temperature!
Before carryout out any maintenance work, depressurise the entire cooling
Pos : 2.22 /Kothes! Networ k/Boeker/Sicherheit/Warnung linear bewegliche Bauteile EU Böc ker @ 8\mod_1142938841475_1.doc @ 79724
Moving parts can cause serious injuries. Do not reach into moving parts during
operation or handle moving parts. Do not open covers or maintenance lids.
After switching off the device allow movable parts to come to a stop.
Switch off the device and secure against being switched on again prior to starting
cleaning work, maintenance work, or other work, and wait until all components
come to a complete standstill.
Securely close all covers, service openings etc. after all cleaning work, repair
work, maintenance work, or other work.
Pos : 2.23 /Kothes! Networ k/Boeker/Sicherheit/H eiss e Oberflächen EU Böc ker @ 8\mod_1142938986325_1.doc @ 79733
Drive motor develops high surface temperatures. Contact can burn the skin.
Prior to maintenance and repair work, switch device off, safeguard the device
from being switched on again, and allow device to cool to ambient temperature.
Always wear work gloves for all work!
Allow motor to cool down prior to dismounting the motor hood!
Pos : 2.24 /Kothes! Networ k/Boeker/Sicherheit/H eiß e Oberfläc hen Zus atz AH K EU Böc ker @ 26\mod_1166630047224_1.doc @ 287072
Before carrying out work on the cooling system, depressuirse it!
Pos : 2.25 /Kothes! Networ k/Boeker/Sicherheit/Sc harfkantige Gehäuseteil e EU @ 8\mod_1142939211983_1.doc @ 79742