Trailer Crane AHK 30/1400
Device Structure and Function
Pos : 4.2 /Kothes! Networ k/Boeker/Aufbau und F unkti on/1. Geräteaufbau und F unkti on Titel @ 8\mod_1141836615645_1.doc @ 74884
4 Device Structure and Function
Pos : 4.3 /F I/Aufbau und F unktion/1.1 Allgemei ne Besc hrei bung Titel @ 2\mod1622_1.doc @ 2947
4.1 General description
Pos : 4.4 /Kothes! Networ k/Boeker/Aufbau und F unkti on/Allgemeine Bes chr eibung AHK EU Böc ker (00985) @ 10\mod_1147431759666_1.doc @ 98532
The Boecker AHK 30/1400 is a mobile telescoping trailer crane. With suitable load
suspension gear, such as brick carriers, pallet forks, rubbish buckets, rubbish troughs,
holding straps, and corrugated sheet handlers, loads of up to 1400 kg can be lifted with the
load winch.
The mobile crane can be used outdoors as well as indoors, however it cannot be used in
potentially explosive environments. For indoor implementation exhaust hoses must be used
on the vehicle. Ensure adequate ventilation.
Heed the instructions in the load suspension gear operating manual.
Pos : 4.5 /F I/.......... Seitenumbr uch .......... @ 0\mod272_1.doc @ 1522